A Servant-Leader.
Extended work:
Women’s Political Collaborative of Tennessee: a bi-partisan organization whose primary goal is the full and equal participation of women in government and the political process at all levels.
Vice-President of Legislation
Preside over meetings of Legislative Committee
Lead Women’s Day on The Hill with President
Determine legislative issues organization will pursue
Meet with elected officials and community leaders regarding legislative agenda
Speak with media as need arises
Fundraising for organization lobbyist compensation
NCJW: non-profit organization with a membership of 180,000 working to better the lives of families, women and children.
State Public Affairs Chairperson – Tennessee,
Advocacy training for membership
Lobbyist – local, state and federal
Development and implementation of programs and events; local, state and federal
Budget development and management for public affairs for state
Created and composed column for each organization newsletter
Media contact regarding organization’s position on community issues with both press releases and providing interviews with media outlets.
Communication with elected officials and community leaders
Collaborate and work with other non-profit groups to achieve common goals
Chairperson and Coordinator for annual “Day on the Hill” and “Washington Institute” which bring members of the organization to Capital Hills in Nashville and Washington meet with elected officials. Conduct training sessions during these events.
Taught the organization’s “Hello Israel” program in public and private schools.
Vice-President, Legislative Affairs, Executive Board of Nashville Section
Duties as listed above focused on the local section rather than statewide
Chairwoman, Executive Board of Nashville Section, serving as executive officer of organization
Developed and implemented survey for reorganization of section
Report out of survey and recommendations for section reorganization
Planning membership meetings and recruiting new members.
A Step Ahead Foundation of Middle Tennessee: a non-profit organization providing Long Acting Reversal Contraception (LARC) at no cost.
Board member with member with focus on community presence and growth
Development Committee member focusing on grants, online and written fundraising
Advocates for Women’s and Kids’ Equality –AWAKE: a nonprofit organization focused on the advancement of women and kids through education and policy change.
Advocacy Committee member – assist with lobbying effort
Tennessee Coalition of the Alzheimer’s Association: coalition of 5 chapters of the Alzheimer’s Association in Tennessee
Public Policy Coordinator
This part-time paid position entailed advocacy on a state and federal level
Represented organization as part of Governor’s Advisory committee
Lobbying on a state and federal level
Instrumental in working with Tennessee Legislature in securing $ 16.5 million from state budget which triggered a federal grant of $ 19 million for alternative to nursing home care for the elderly and disabled
Conducted information sessions for members
Coordinated events for members to lobby on state and federal levels
Continued as a volunteer with local chapter to assist with implementation of the program
Nashville Academy of Medicine Alliance: auxiliary organization of the Nashville Academy of Medicine whose focus is community health.
Participated in various projects supported by organization including the Health Hall at the Adventure Science Museum and Planned Parenthood
Legislative Liaison
Served as Volunteer Lobbyist on issues related to women and children’s health issues
Conducted training and information on advocacy for members
Coordinated visits for members to meet with elected officials
Represented organization as part of several health-related coalitions
The Temple Cemetery Committee
Researched and wrote book for congregation on the Jewish Rituals of Death and Burial
Negotiated and drafted contracts with vendors for services
Maintained all minutes and budget preparation.
Committee member while recipient of grants, historical recognition and rededication.